National Roads and Transport Congress heads to WA

The theme for the 2010 National Local Roads and Transport Congress is Building the Case for Transport Investment, which is the goal of Local Government in transport – more investment for the full range of transport infrastructure, such as roads, public transport, and foot and bike paths, in order to support our communities and industry.

The Congress will be held in the City of Bunbury, heart of the south west growth region of Western Australia, from 13 to 15 October.

One of the main aims of this year’s Congress is to begin to build the case for the continuation of the Roads to Recovery Program beyond 2014. In support of this the Australian Local Government Association has commissioned a study into the funding needs of local roads over the coming ten years which will be launched at the Congress.

The Congress will feature a range of experts to inform delegates of policies and issues that must be taken into account as Local Government shapes its arguments for transport funding, and establishes a position on a range of transport issues; including safety, heavy vehicle charging, road pricing, program administration, public transport and emerging technologies. There will also be presentations from rural road users and on how to successfully structure proposals for Infrastructure Australia funding.

Following the Federal election on 21 August, the new Transport Minister will be invited to give delegates the chance to raise questions directly on the newly elected Government’s intentions for the next term. Delegates will also hear from the Opposition and the Greens.

A light hearted part of the Congress, which has a serious side, is the Worst Road and Bridge Competition. The photos from this competition will provide further evidence to support our case for greater investment in local transport infrastructure.

Details on the Roads Congress program are presented on page 12 and further information is available on the website at