‘Smart’ building regional resource

Officially opened in December 2009, Mayor David Smith descibes the Bunbury City and Regional Library as a purpose built leading edge provider, a ‘smart’ building in its own right as well as a community resource and meeting place.

“This is why the City of Bunbury with State Government support spent more than $10 million on this regional resource for Greater Bunbury and the South West region,” the Mayor said.

In 2001 Council began plans for a new library as the then 30 year old library building had outgrown its ability to function effectively.

As well as the Library, as part of Council’s Smart Community Strategy developed in 2004, a digital data centre was also incorporated into the new complex.

Construction of the state of the art building commenced in July 2007.

During the design stage particular attention was given to creating a welcoming and functional community space with universal access and a high level of ICT connectivity.

As well as an ethos supporting lifelong learning and community development, with rapidly expanding access to global information, the role of public libraries has been redefined. They are now facilitators in an increasingly ‘at your finger tip’ world of instant electronic information.