Bushfires funding support for councils welcomed

The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) recently welcomed a $38 million partnership support package announced by Premier John Brumby as part of the Victorian Government’s $867.3 million response to the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission final report recommendations.

MAV CEO Rob Spence said that Local Government had overwhelmingly agreed it has a key role to play in local emergency management planning, but needed adequate funding support to fulfil its responsibilities.

“Given the limited financial and resource capacity of many municipalities, plus a broad number of new roles and responsibilities, the State funding is crucial to ensure timely implementation of recommendations by Local Government,” he said. “The Government has listened to the views expressed by councils at a recent MAV convened workshop, and in our formal submission to the Premier about the critical need for a strong State/Local partnership approach.

“The funding committed will go a long way towards boosting councils’ capacity to work closely with the CFA and other agencies to improve local emergency planning and safety options for communities.

“It’s also pleasing that the Victorian Government has recognised the need for more funding for Neighbourhood Safer Places (NSPs) and other last resort options in high risk communities. However many details are yet to be resolved, including any expanded council responsibilities for community sheltering options, planning for evacuation and vulnerable people, and a range of land use planning roles.

“Councils will need new or additional expertise in the areas of land use planning, emergency and vegetation management, so the MAV welcomes the $11.3 million for extra council staff on the ground, plus funding for the MAV to continue providing coordination support to Local Government on bushfire management issues.

“The MAV now calls on the State to urgently consult Local Government on the development of an action plan and immediate implementation priorities, and to establish joint working groups to ensure effective delivery.

“There is much work to be done and councils are genuinely committed to getting on with the job.”

The MAV’s submission to the Premier in response to the Bushfires Royal Commission final report recommendations is available at www.mav.asn.au/royalcommission