Commitment to service and innovation

The City of Bayswater prides itself on its record of customer service and tradition of innovation.

In the 1970s, Council began work on the Mertome Retirement Village. The Village provides independent living and hostel accommodation for the elderly.

It was the first project of its kind undertaken by Local Government in Australia and has grown over 40 years to become home to over 200 residents.

The City of Bayswater remains one of only a few Local Governments still actively engaged in providing aged care residential facilities and has over $31 million invested in independent living and aged care accommodation.

The City was the first Local Government in Western Australia to introduce a comingled recycling service as part of its kerbside collection and that service has now grown to include a third 240 litre wheelie bin for householders to dispose of their green waste.

The City of Bayswater was also the first Local Government in the State to introduce a 24-7 security patrol service for its community. This service has become the model for other councils in Perth. Each year the City’s four security vehicles cover around 250,000 kilometres patrolling local streets, and officers respond to over 2,300 requests for assistance
from residents.

In 1998, the City constructed the State’s first wave pool. Today, this unique facility remains a major attraction for residents and visitors, and continues to attract around a million visitors each year.