For Local Government engineers and other technical professionals, postgraduate study can provide essential specialist knowledge, improved professional performance and enhance career prospects.
The UNSW School of Civil and Environmental Engineering has been Australia’s leading provider of postgraduate engineering education for over 50 years.
The School’s academic staff have national and international reputations in their areas of specialisation, and receive many invitations to undertake higher level consultancy for industry and government.
The content and scope of all the postgraduate courses are continuously updated to ensure relevancy to the academic and professional needs of practitioners.
Michael Galloway is a team leader in water cycle management working in NSW Local Government.
His team is involved in all aspects of the water cycle including stormwater pollution, potable water conservation, flood planning, water recycling, creek restoration, sewer leak detection, and park lake management.
Michael studied a MEngSc part time over three years, specialising in environmental engineering. Studying part time while working full time was a real time management challenge but it was worth it.
Michael is passionate about his work and he says, “The MEngSc provided real skills in analysis, research, technical capability, and a breadth of knowledge in environmental engineering to enable improvements in management of the water cycle.
“The breadth of knowledge gained included groundwater hydrology, catchment and water resource modelling, requirements and practical procedures for cost-effective analysis of water quality, microbiology, and water and wastewater treatment operations.”
Michael believes the MEngSc will continue to support him throughout his career.
For further information contact Dr Mary O’Connell at UNSW School of Civil and Environmental Engineering by email on
*Copy supplied by UNSW