2010 Staff Satisfaction Survey showed an 85 per cent overall satisfaction rate with 82 per cent stated they enjoy coming to work.
Key areas of staff satisfaction are:
- clear understanding of work objectives
- working environment
- relationship with manager
- education and skills development.
Top 5 Retention Factors are:
- job security and stability
- challenging and meaningful work
- good work/life balance
- salary
- good all round employer
“We listen to our people and value their input – many initiatives in place stem from or support what our people tell us about what keeps them at Whitehorse and what helps them do their job the best they can,” said CEO Noelene Duff. “Staff have input through surveys and their involvement on a variety of groups and committees – there is always the opportunity to get involved and be a part of improving the way we do business.
“At Whitehorse we strive to support our people to achieve both their professional and personal goals. We understand how important it is to have a balance between work and life, and provide a range of flexible working options to assist our people to realistically manage their roles as employees and family members.
“Our people access job share and RDO arrangements, work from home, use staggered start and finish times, and purchase additional leave to help them satisfy both work and family demands.
“We also recognise that our people’s health and wellbeing is key to their success at work, and our people have told us the most appreciated benefits we provide are health related. We offer all employees access to our extensive health and wellbeing program – Healthy as a Horse.
“Most people are interested in improving their wellbeing, but finding the time to get organised can be a hurdle to participation.
“At Whitehorse, we make it easy for our people to access health and wellbeing initiatives, through salary sacrificed and discounted leisure centre memberships, onsite boot camp, the provision of fruit, on site vaccinations and health and skin checks, education sessions on popular health topics, and access to private health insurance that is only available to Local Government employees.
“Our initiatives are working – over 80 per cent of our people consider themselves to be in good health.”
The development opportunities Council offers staff are diverse and driven by individual and team needs. Its 2010 Learning and Development Calendar included over 50 onsite programs, including inhouse accredited programs up to the diploma level.
Council makes it easy for its people to get the development they need through the support of a dedicated Learning and Development team, and scheduled and flexible training options.