Whitehorse City Council uses the results from a range of surveys including two annual surveys that are conducted specifically to measure resident satisfaction with Council’s performance. The results of these surveys are used to find areas for improvement, to help prepare the annual Budget and to plan for the future.
The two main surveys used are the Annual Resident’s Survey, conducted on Council’s behalf by an independent company, and the State Government’s annual Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey commissioned by the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD).
2009 Annual Resident’s Survey
Whitehorse residents continued to be highly satisfied with the delivery of Council services, according to results of the 2009 Annual Resident’s Survey.
Residents registered a very high approval level, with 92 per cent surveyed saying they were satisfied with the overall performance of Council – a slight increase from 91 per cent recorded at the last survey.
This is the 10th consecutive community survey where Council has received an overall community satisfaction rating of 90 per cent or above.
Council commissioned Nexus Research to conduct a Community Survey in November 2009. Surveys were mailed to a random selection of 1000 Whitehorse residents with 291 returned (a 29 per cent response rate), which is considered a good response and higher than the previous survey.
Of the residents surveyed, 94 per cent were satisfied with their quality of life in Whitehorse and 82 per cent were satisfied with the value for money they received from their rates.
Council believes the annual Residents’ Survey is an important consultation tool, with results used to identify service areas requiring improvement as well as provide input into Council’s Budget and financial planning.
The November 2009 survey highlighted several areas for improvement including footpath maintenance, maintenance of shopping centres, road surfaces, maintenance of parks and open spaces, traffic management in local streets and maintenance of the City’s public places.
Council is committed to maintaining high satisfaction levels and improving areas such as these to ensure the best possible services are provided to residents.