Claremont gets a facelift

Claremont Council has revitalised one of its under utilised and run down precincts through its North East Precinct Redevelopment Project.

Located in metropolitan Perth and covering just under five square kilometres, Claremont has a population of 9,600 people.

Council has sought to balance urban infill, development and major infrastructure renewal aspirations of the State Government against the community’s aspirations for locally sensitive development outcomes.

The North East Precinct provides a mix of land uses with opportunities to live and work in close proximity to public transport and established recreational opportunities.

A range of dwelling choices provides for a mix of socio economic groups, including close proximity to work housing options for people who work in the town centre. The Precinct also offers a variety of public transport ­including an adjacent train line, interconnecting bus services and a shared pathway providing a commuter cycling linkage with Perth City and adjacent neighbourhoods.

The benefits of the project include:

  • Transit Oriented Development (TOD) – introducing medium and
    high densities of mixed use development in a walkable catchment
    of the existing transit facility, increasing accessibility and success
    as an employment destination
  • densification – promoting responsible use and development
    of land located in proximity to established centres and
  • community interaction – the plaza embraces the heritage elements
    situated within it and through deliberate design celebrates their
    status and evoking social ownership of this town space.

For further information contact Ben Rose, Principal Urban Planner at the Town of Claremont, on (08) 9340 6903.