Sustainable communities are no longer a pipe dream; it is increasingly important that they become part of our lives.
A look at what’s happening overseas and the plans of Australian authorities shows that no community can afford to delay learning how to make ‘green’ work profitably and practically.
Green Cities 2011 will feature keynote speaker, Jeb Brugmann, founder of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, an international association of 1,200 cities and towns that are advancing practices in local sustainable development.
Brugmann, also author of Welcome to the Urban Revolution: How Cities Are Changing the World, will speak on issues around urbanisation and densification of our cities and the economic drivers and financial models associated with building places.
An entire stream of sessions will focus on taking sustainability beyond buildings with topics such as liveability, the economic impact of environmental communities, and visionary leadership and governance.
There will also be sessions dedicated solely to our government delegates, covering global examples of informed sustainable policy decisions and incentives.
Green Cities 2011 gives Local Government leaders the chance to get ahead of the game and prepare for the changes in our communities.
You will tap the knowledge of over 50 Australian and world experts in one place, at one time. The know how you will gain will set you up for the communities of tomorrow, with a strong command of how to make ‘green’ initiatives work in your favour, instead of being a difficult and costly impost.
Green Cities 2011 is from 27 February at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Early Bird registration is open now visit
*Copy supplied by the Green Building Council Australia