In July Hume City Council and Sunbury’s local community radio station, 3NRG, entered into a partnership to promote local tourism.
A newly created tourism segment, running for half an hour each Thursday morning, includes interviews with local tourism operators promoting new initiatives, programs, events and services.
The partnership comprises three elements:
- promoting the Sunbury Visitor Information Centre and
its services - encouraging individual tourism businesses to become
community sponsors at a discounted price - the tourism segment on the Mikes Breakfast show on
3NRG each Thursday.
Hume Mayor, Councillor Geoff Porter believes that local community radio is a great way to capture the highly valuable visiting friends and relatives market and inform the potential 70,000 listeners of tourism activities in the local community.
“There is a wide variety of venues and plenty of activities for the community, including local wineries, restaurants, historical and ecological sites,” Councillor Porter said.
“Some people may think tourism is about large scale icons, but it isn’t. It’s about getting out and about locally. There’s so much here and we encourage everyone to explore what’s on offer in Hume’s own backyard.”
For further information contact Council’s Tourism Development Officer on (03) 9205 2200.