Launceston provides Wider Opportunities for Women

Launceston City Council has launched a Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) program to encourage more women to build the confidence to return to work.

Seven women in Launceston took part in the inaugural program, held over ten weeks from May until July this year.

The program consisted of two hour workshops each week and these included:

  • personality tests to acknowledge
    personal skills
  • sessions on growing confidence and
    self esteem
  • a focus on jobseeking, resume
    writing and interviews
  • a variety of guest speakers.

The initial program targeted women aged 40 and over looking to make positive changes to their lives by exploring options for work and study.

The ten week program is funded under the Federal Government’s Get Communities Working stream, which is part of the Australian Government’s $650 million Jobs Fund Initiative. The initiative provides one off grants to support the delivery of innovative projects.

Launceston City Council’s Social Inclusion Officer Jodie Jacobs believes the program has been a huge success in enabling women to become more confident about working.

“This is a really positive program that helps women to regain their self esteem and feel confident abut working, volunteering or studying,” she said.

“It’s about looking at the skills they already have and building on those to get more involved in work, study or volunteering.

“It has also helped participants to widen their friendship network, as the group meets each week and shares their stories and the journey.”

The next program will run in October and will focus on mums with children aged between three and five years who may be looking to return to the workplace in the near future.

For more information contact Jodie Jacobs on (03) 6323 3000.