Unley open for business

Located directly south of Adelaide CBD, the City of Unley has refreshed its approach to attract investment and to make Unley the place to do business. New information packs titled Unley – A Better Place to do Business have been developed to promote the benefits of doing business in Unley.

The packs, which are for existing, new and potential businesses are an initiative of the Unley Business and Economic Development (UBED) Committee.

Committee Chairperson Theo Maras said the packs are an essential tool to promote Unley’s commitment to business development.

“The Committee’s job is to have a holistic approach to our precincts – we want the look and feel of our precincts and their amenities to be first class,” he said.

“The packs explain the advantages of doing business in Unley and highlights our approach to helping businesses.”

The information packs also highlight the benefits of the Mainstreet Associations and the role they play in fostering collaboration and networking between businesses.

“The Associations are committed to developing business, encouraging collective thought and getting the best result for Unley,” Theo Maras said.

“Businesses can contact their Mainstreet Association when they need help or advice and they can have their issues managed promptly and know that they are supported.

“At Unley, we don’t just attract business, we support it.”

Unley Mayor Richard Thorne, who is a member of the UBED Committee, said that Council developed the Committee in 1998 to help local businesses maintain a competitive edge.

“We have some of the most prestigious business precincts in Adelaide,” Mayor Thorne said.

“We are proud of the strong partnerships we form between business and Council.

“These partnerships help us to facilitate and promote economic development in Unley and provide the businesses with the support they need to succeed.”

The City of Unley has five Main Street Associations – Unley, Goodwood, King William, Fullarton and Glen Osmond roads.

For a copy of Unley – A Better Place to do Business contact Matt Grant, City of Unley’s Economic Development Manager, telephone
(08) 8372 5431.