Draft community strategic plan available on audio tape

Visually impaired residents in northern New South Wales were encouraged to outline their aspirations and priorities for their Shire, following Tweed Shire Council releasing an audio recording of the draft Tweed Community Strategic Plan 2011/2021.

The audio version of the plan was on exhibition for public comment until 8 November, with residents able to download the recording from www.ourtweedvision.com.au – a site Council created to encourage public input to the Strategic Plan.

Tweed Mayor Councillor Kevin Skinner said CDs with the audio version were also available for people unable to read the printed document and who don’t have easy access to the internet.

“It’s all part of the process of ensuring everyone in the Tweed can contribute to the Strategic Plan, which will guide Council’s activities for the next ten years,” Councillor Skinner said.

Blind Citizens Australia’s Tweed Valley branch also made the CDs available to many of its members.

Vice President Bill McKennariey applauded Council’s efforts to include visually impaired residents.

“This is a wonderful initiative to enable our members to be part of an important strategy for the Tweed,” Bill McKennariey said.

“Our members could make a valuable contribution to the objectives that will be outlined in the strategy and our organisation is really encouraged that they were given that opportunity.”

Council’s efforts to encourage public input to the Strategic Plan included a number of firsts, such as the website and its online forums.

“Many Tweed residents used the forums to provide submissions on the plan’s four themes – civic leadership, supporting community life, strengthening the economy and caring for the environment,” Councillor Skinner said.

“The forums are a dynamic method of community input that Council hopes to use more in the future, making it convenient for community members to participate in discussions about key issues confronting the Tweed.”

Council also provided a phone submission hotline, enabling people to record their submissions for the cost of a local call.

For further information visit www.ourtweedvision.com.au