Encouraging better design

Bayside City Council introduced an annual Built Environment Awards program in 2006 to raise community awareness and understanding of urban design, landscape and heritage.

Bayside has a wide variety of architectural styles – from Victorian mansions and Californian bungalows to post-World War 2 and contemporary homes.

The Awards recognise designers and architects whose work is sensitive to Bayside’s neighbourhood character, streetscapes, local identity, heritage values, public places and the natural environment.

The 2010 Awards received nearly 50 nominations across seven categories.

One of this year’s main winners was the new Bayside Police Station in Sandringham, which took out three awards including Best Ecologically Sustainable Design (Commercial).

Council’s Manager of Statutory Planning Angela Meinke says the new police station was an excellent example of residents, developers and Council working together.

Residents and nearby businesses were told about the planning process through letterbox drops and an information evening before the application was even lodged.

“Feedback forms were available and Council encouraged comments,” Angela says. “Some residents had concerns about matters such as the multi level building and carparking while others were worried about police cars speeding along an adjoining lane during emergencies.

“All the concerns were addressed well and it shows what can be done when everybody works together.”

Council was able to approve the development without any objections.