Western Australia’s Shire of Mundaring has undergone an extensive Business Continuity review, getting key players together to review how the organisation would continue in the event of a pandemic.
Earlier this year, with plans in place for management and closure of services with procedures to follow at certain stages, a key issue was identified. What if the Leadership Team, comprising all directors and managers, ended up away from work suffering illness? Was the Shire even prepared for the more immediate situation of long time staff retiring, taking with them years of knowledge and experience?
In response to the need to develop the next line of leaders, the Shire created a Future Leaders Program.The program was aimed at employees aspiring to future leadership roles. There was a nomination period, during which interested staff were required to answer several questions and provide a copy of their curriculum vitae. All full time, part time and contract employees were eligible to nominate.
Twenty staff completed the program, with four one day sessions held throughout 2010. The topics focused on the participants’ roles and importance in the organisation, the strategic plan, styles of management and key skills in engaging and motivating staff.
Mundaring CEO Jonathan Throssell said that as well as a workforce planning and employee retention strategy, the program is part of the Shire’s commitment to being a Learning Organisation and a Workplace of Choice.
He said the Shire is committed to fostering a talent pool by identifying and developing high potential employees.
“Creating a talent pool will assist the Shire to retain technical, organisational and tacit knowledge, develop available and job ready future leaders and maintain effective leadership in key positions,” Jonathan Throssell said. “It will also facilitate and encourage individual development, reduce the risk of losing quality staff and reduce costs associated with recruiting new staff.”
Jonathan Throssell said it was the first time the program was run, with the Shire working with an external service to develop and deliver the training.
“Feedback from participants indicates it is a very successful program, “ he said. “The formal evaluation is still being completed, but 75 per cent of participants were satisfied and 25 per cent were very satisfied. Ways to continue to provide leadership development opportunities to program graduates are being investigated.”
Jonathan Throssell said a future leaders program would become a regular feature on Mundaring’s Corporate Training Calendar.
For further information contact Council’s HR Manager Maureen Gerlach on (08) 9290 6666.