The business of Bayside

Bayside is not just a wonderful place to live, it’s also a great place to operate a business.

The biggest enterprises in Bayside include property and business services, health and community services, and retail, tourism and hospitality.

The area’s distinctive suburbs are an appealing location for a huge range of specialty stores, top restaurants and service businesses. They employ a highly skilled local workforce and serve residents, many of whom have a higher than average income.

In 2003 Council established the Bayside Business Network, which has flourished, says Council’s Economic Development Coordinator Anthony Jacobs.

“The network has developed organically into a body owned and promoted by the business community itself,” he says.

“The network now has 480 paid up members, a regular well attended program of business breakfasts, seminars, women’s luncheons and networking evenings and a members’ only business directory.”

Anthony says all types of businesses – from sole operators to large manufacturers – are able to network on business issues, innovation and entrepreneurship.