Flood Education Kit recognised on the national stage

One of the education measures undertaken by Launceston City Council and the Launceston Flood Authority to ensure residents are prepared for a flood has been highly commended in the Local Government category of the Australian Safer Communities Awards.

Held annually, the Awards are organised by the Commonwealth Attorney-Generals Department. They recognise best practice and innovation by organisations and individuals across Australia’s emergency management sector, business, Local Government and communities that help to build safer communities.

This year’s ceremony was held on 29 November 2010 at Old Parliament House in Canberra.

Launceston’s Flood Education Kit project was principally developed by Council’s Emergency Management Officer, Bev Allen.

The project involved the development, distribution and promotion of a comprehensive Flood Education Kit to educate people in the flood prone area of Invermay/Inveresk on how to protect themselves, their family, pets and property in the event of a flood.

The national recognition comes after the Flood Education Kit project took out the Local Government category of the Tasmanian Safer Communities Awards in October 2010.

“This kit is a vital part of ensuring residents are as prepared as possible for a flood and that they know what to do before, during and after a flood event,” said Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten. “It was hand delivered by Bev and her team to ensure residents had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss their preparedness.”

Launceston Flood Authority Chairman, Martin Renilson said that education about what to do before, during and after a flood is an important part of flood management.

“This kit was developed after extensive consultation with Tasmania Police, the State Emergency Service, the Municipal Emergency Management Plan Planning Committee, Northern Regional Emergency Management Committee, Bureau of Meteorology and local schools,” he said.

Other councils recognised in the awards were:

  • Yarra Ranges Shire, Vic –
    Emergency management without borders – the
    development of a regional
    model for delivery of
    Emergency Relief Centres
  • Darwin City Council, NT –
    Guardian on duty in Darwin
  • Redland City Council,
    Qld – Senior’s Emergency
    Preparedness Project.

For further information on the awards and winners visit www.ema.gov.au