The City of Whittlesea is among a number of councils identified in 2010 as a benchmark for excellence in advancing women in Local Government and leadership roles both within the organisation and the community.
The municipality is one of Melbourne’s largest and sits on the metro fringe with 70 per cent being rural and the other 30 per cent urban.
With the Year of Women in Local Government providing timely impetus, Whittlesea identified and initiated a number of events and activities aimed at raising awareness of the significant role women play in the effectiveness of Local Government, and the need to increase their participation, especially in decision making roles.
Council conducted in depth research into the issues facing the Women of Whittlesea (WOW) with particular focus on women in the workplace, leadership, inappropriate behaviour and family friendly work. WOW spent a lot of time analysing the research and developing an action plan, which included:
- investigating and making recommendations to Council about child care options for staff, either on site or at local centres
- developing leadership opportunities for women, including training and
increased awareness, over the next year - improving work/ life balance by including this topic in EBA (Enterprise
Bargaining Agreement) discussions, encouraging more informal
gatherings among female staff and investigating more flexible maternity leave options - developing assertiveness/empowerment training for female staff and
raising awareness of anti bullying and harassment options.
WOW also organised a number of staff based events, including a lunch for over 250 staff and an inaugural City of Whittlesea Women in Local Government Golf Day at its Growling Frog Golf Course. Around 90 people from councils across Melbourne turned out for a two course lunch, nine holes of golf and speeches from inspirational women in Local Government.
As well as celebrating the Year of Women in Local Government, the event also raised awareness of violence against women.