2011 National Local Government Asset Management Conference

The 8th National Local Government Asset Management Conference, auspiced by the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), and supported by IPWEA, will be held at the Melbourne Park Function Centre on May 11 and 12, 2011.

These conferences have proved to be an outstanding success, driven by high quality speakers and excellent representation from councils around Australia.

Given the viability challenges confronting Local Government across Australia, and the myriad of natural disasters occurring with greater regularity, asset management has never been more important than right now.

The Federal Government is wanting reassurance that councils are managing their assets capably and able to demonstrate continuous improvement. This is often difficult when councils are under resourced, experiencing high staff turnover and have limited systems.

The new era of LG asset management is focusing on common standards and frameworks, as well as greater regional cooperation.

The 2011 National Local Government Asset Management Conference (and Gala Dinner) will provide essential knowledge on a range of matters including:

  • the big issue: assessing and
    influencing the sustainability
    of your Council
  • the essential ‘what to do’
    and ‘what not to do’ checklist
    for every Council
  • tools, techniques and
    extensive case studies (risk
    management, growth
    councils, timber bridges,
    regional collaboration,
    electric vehicle requirements,
    funding for local freight
  • examples of real leadership
    in asset management
  • doing (or planning to do)
    the hard yards: does your
    Council Plan provide strategic
    direction? How sustainable
    is your Council?
  • ‘greenfields’ versus
    ‘brownfields’ asset
    valuations: a panel debate
  • Roads To Recovery funding
    post 2014: the updated LG
  • Brisbane City Council:
    managing risks in asset

For Conference details and online registration go to www.mav.asn.au/eventscalendar (and scroll down to this event on May 11).

For queries email jhennessy@mav.asn.au

*Copy supplied by MAV