Agreement paves way for $700m beachside housing estate

Apart from being the site of Captain James Cook’s first landing in Australia, and a significant ecological asset, the Kurnell Peninsula has been the site of considerable industrial development over the past hundred years. However following the signing of a unique voluntary planning agreement with land owners Australand and Breen Holdings in mid 2010, Sutherland Shire Council secured the future of much of the peninsula for future generations.

The agreement paved the way for a rezoning of 128.6 hectares of land from industrial use to accommodate a 33 hectare residential housing subdivision and set aside 95.7 hectares for conservation and public open space.

The community will benefit the creation of 10 new playing fields as well as parklands at the expense of the land owners.

Substantial environmental benefits also result with the creation of a continuous ecological corridor from Woolooware Bay to Bate Bay.

All of this in an area that contains Sydney’s most important wetlands at Towra Point, regionally significant vegetation, endangered species, sand dunes, habitat for migratory birds and the green and golden bell frog, extensive seagrass beds and marine biology.

The 450 new homes proposed and playing fields will go some way to meeting the State Government’s housing targets for the Sutherland Shire and extending the use of the Shire’s current sporting facilities, which are constantly under strain.