Central Victoria’s City of Greater Bendigo is working with the Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE (BRIT) and La Trobe University to undertake a feasibility study on the region’s future engineering and skilled labour requirements.
Council’s Economic Development Manager Brian Gould said the City is seeking input from engineering and related businesses for the study.
"The City’s Economic Development Unit in conjunction with BRIT and La Trobe University has embarked upon an extensive consultation process with engineering and related businesses, as the first step to potentially address the sector’s future skilled labour needs," Brian Gould said.
"Local engineering and manufacturing businesses anticipate there will be a significant increase in demand for skilled labour in the next two to five years.
"In response to this, an Engineering Working Group has been established to undertake a feasibility study that will include detailed research on industry skill needs, as well as business support for new training initiatives."
Brian Gould said that to date, the level of industry participation in the feasibility study has been invaluable, however additional feedback from engineering and related businesses is still being sought.
"It’s critical that the Engineering Working Group has a comprehensive understanding on the future skill needs," he said.
"They also need to identify the potential involvement of businesses in new initiatives to help develop sustainable solutions for the region."