A Taste of Harmony – the biggest workplace celebration of diversity and food on the Australian calendar – will take place from 21 to 27 March 2011.
Workers from all parts of Australia will swap their pens and work tools for their cooking utensils.
Participation is easy – workplaces simply register on the A Taste of Harmony website, set a lunch date and ask workers to bring a dish representing their cultural background, their favourite dish or even food from a culture they have never tried before.
Last year, participation in A Taste of Harmony doubled, with over 120,000 Australians nationwide registering. And 2011 is set to be bigger than ever.
With 16 celebrity chefs on board, including Tobie Puttock (Fifteen), Guy Grossi (Grossi Florentino, IronChef), Maeve O’Meara (Food Safari, SBS and director of Gourmet Safari tours), Ed Halmagyi (Better Homes and Gardens), MasterChef winners Adam Liaw (2010) and Julie Goodwin (2009), and a host of others, there is even more reason to get involved and celebrate cultural diversity.
In 2011, A Taste of Harmony is focused not only on the flavours, but also on the stories that accompany them. So bring in your baklava, swap stories over some spag bol and tuck into a tasty multicultural lunch!
A Taste of Harmony is an initiative of the Scanlon Foundation and is supported by the Australian Multicultural Foundation and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
For further information or to register visit