Inform, consult, involve, collaborate, empower*

Community engagement is a ‘must have’ competency for anyone who wishes to successfully navigate projects or programs which impact the broader community, or which involve many stakeholders.

Community (and stakeholder) engagement engages and works collaboratively, both before and during a project’s life: it seeks to achieve an outcome which satisfies as many of the needs, requirements and even objections of those most closely affected. It is emerging as a genuine discipline with its own body of knowledge and specific expertise.

UNE Partnerships’ Community Engagement Program gives a solid introduction to this discipline. Its ‘learning by doing’ methodology gives participants experience in developing community engagement plans; it shows how to avoid "tokenistic community consultation" and instead achieve the real thing.

Students also learn how to achieve much more than simply providing opportunities for the vocal minority.

Successful participants will learn and acquire well grounded practical skills in preparing and planning for community engagement: for example, undertaking research, conducting community meetings and programs using the most appropriate tools and techniques and developing strategies to build and maintain effective relationships.

This course is ideal for people whose job role requires them to consult with the community while achieving their organisational or project objectives. It suits students from a broad range of sectors and roles, such as community engagement or community development practitioners; project managers, coordinators or team members; professionals involved in communication or education or health; Federal, State and Local Government officers; and media professionals.

Call 1800 045 523 for more information or visit for more details.

*Copy supplied by UNE Partnerships