Challenger Institute of Technology recently partnered with the City of Cockburn in Perth’s southern suburbs to deliver onsite management training, as part of an innovative workplace training initiative. 
The initiative saw 14 City of Cockburn employees increase their leadership skills by completing diplomas in management through Challenger Institute.
Challenger Institute’s Program Manager Business Rowena Maling said the 11 month program was a combination of group workshops and individual workplace training tailored to meet the needs of the Local Government.
"The program provides unique management strategies to improve the work performance of the participants, the performance of their team and individuals within the teams," she said.
"It improves the ability of supervisors and managers to manage the planning, execution and evaluation of their own work and the work of their teams.
"And a workplace assessment process enables the participants to be individually evaluated on their workplace skills and knowledge."
The training was part of Council’s workplace development plan to build the management capabilities of employees.
City of Cockburn Manager Human Resources Margot Tobin said the program had a 100 per cent success rate, with all participants graduating with diplomas.
"We are extremely pleased with the outcome as it shows commitment from all the participants," she said.
"All participants were chosen for the course on the basis they were managers, supervisors or professionals who were likely to be supervising staff in the near future.
"This and last year’s courses have been so successful that we began a third Diploma of Management in October and are considering a Certificate IV in Frontline Management this year.
"These courses are great tools for increasing the competency of our workforce and for helping staff develop skills for their current or future roles."
The training partnership with the City of Cockburn was initiated in 2009, when 32 Council employees completed management certificates and diplomas through Challenger Institute.
For further information contact Margot Tobin, Council’s Manager Human Resources on (08) 9411 3444.