Like many communities across Australia, Sutherland Shire is changing.
Its residents are becoming older and communities need to be prepared to deal with the challenges and opportunities this presents.
Sutherland Shire Council has taken a positive view on ageing so that as a community, everyone can focus on ageing well.
In 2009, council developed its ‘Ageing Well’ strategy which takes a unique approach by not only looking at what council must do to get ready for an ageing community, but also what residents and the community need to do.
This strategy is being rolled out across all areas of council with the need to ensure adequate housing choice as one of the major priorities.
Other areas of focus include supporting ageing residents by examining needs like drop-off zones, accessible paths and lobbying other levels of government for funding and support.
The strategy also addresses important areas of health, transport, participation and care and support.
And finally, council is continually looking at the vast range of services provided to residents to ensure they are ‘age-proofed’ so older residents can use them for as long as possible.