Port Adelaide Enfield Council a ‘champion’ of safe work

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield was recently recognised as Public Sector Employer of the Year in the 2010 Safe Work Awards announced by Safe Work SA late last year.

"The City of Port Adelaide Enfield’s 472 employees provide a range of services and facilities from the traditional ‘repair and maintenance’ to community welfare and recreational services," the Safe Work SA judges commented.

"To do this safely, the City has developed and implemented a large number of Safe Work procedures, covering key aspects of work tasks as well as Safe Work statements with clearly stated responsibilities and accountabilities."

Port Adelaide Enfield Risk Manager David Mallett said the City has always maintained the highest level of achievement in performance standards.

"Council has received several State awards and is regularly acknowledged for its very high safety management system," he said.

"This standard has provided Council with an average lost time incident frequency rate (LTIFR) of 14.7, compared to the Local Government Group A or Large Councils average at 19.7."

As a snap shot, Port Adelaide Enfield Council has:

  • 47 OHS policies/procedures
  • 77 Safe Work procedures containing safe work statements
  • 89 Safe Operating procedures containing safe work
  • over 500 documented Plant Risk Assessments that link to
    Safe Work procedures and Safe Operating procedures
  • 61 documented Manual Handling Risk Assessments that also link
    to Safe Work procedures and Safe Operating procedures.

South Australian Minister for Industrial Relations Paul Holloway, who presented the awards, said they were to celebrate and publicly recognise best practice in workplace safety.

"Our commitment to safer workplaces must be ongoing and united, but to help in that mission, we need champions to lead by example," he said.