A boost for solar power generation in Busselton

The installation of new solar power systems on two key buildings in the Shire of Busselton will provide a significant boost to the Shire’s energy sources and help reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions being released into the atmosphere as a result of Shire operations.

Located approximately 230 kilometres southwest of Perth, Busselton covers 1,450 square kilometres and has a population of around 30,500 people.

The Shire has installed a 6.8 kilowatt solar photovoltaic system on the north facing roof of its Shire Administration building and a 2.6 kilowatt solar PV system on the roof of the Naturaliste Community Centre, in Dunsborough. These two systems will capture energy produced by the sun and part power both buildings. This will prevent up to 14 tonnes of harmful greenhouse gas emissions being released into the atmosphere each year.

Including the five kilowatt solar PV system, which was installed at the Geographe Leisure Centre in December 2009, the Shire now has three large solar panel installations.

These energy generating initiatives are an important outcome of the Shire of Busselton’s Energy Action Plan endorsed by Council last June.Other outcomes of the Energy Action Plan include the commissioning of energy audits on four community buildings to identify potential energy efficiency measures and the installation of ceiling insulation in the Shire Administration building to reduce the need for heating and cooling.

A feasibility study on the use of geothermal and trigeneration at the Geographe Leisure Centre has also been commissioned.

Busselton Shire President Ian Stubbs said in endorsing the Energy Action Plan, Council made a strong commitment to energy efficiency.

"Careful and thorough modelling was undertaken before these initiatives were implemented and we’re confident that they will assist us to reduce our emissions and lower electricity costs," he said.

For further information contact Nigel Bancroft, Director of Planning and Development Services at the Shire of Busselton, on (08) 9781 0444.