Message from Cairns Regional Council CEO, Lyn Russell

Managing the challenges of increased population, responding to climate change, protecting and enhancing our stunning natural assets, and providing for the increasing demands and costs of infrastructure – it’s all in a day’s work for Cairns Regional Council.

Our region is blessed with many advantages including a beautiful natural environment and a diverse, vibrant and creative community.

With a focus on making decisions based on the principles of sustainability, Council strives to balance good governance, economic development, environmental management and social wellbeing by delivering innovative solutions with commitment and energy.

Our Council leads by example in supporting economic development, sustainability and innovation throughout the region. We know why our residents love this region and actively look to maintain our great way of life, while also attracting investment.

Our present priorities include:

  • developing excellence in customer service by striving to delight the customer
  • becoming an employer of choice
  • developing strategies to strengthen and diversify our local economy.

Lyn Russell PSM
Chief Executive Officer
Cairns Regional Council