Held every two years, the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia’s International Public Works Conference is the largest public works conference held in Australia. The conference also delivers the largest conference on infrastructure asset management.
Choose from six concurrent streams (two dedicated to asset management) over three days, with over 130 papers, plus four plenary sessions with five expert keynote speakers.
To be held at the National Convention Centre in Canberra, the conference represents an outstanding opportunity for people associated with delivery of public works from across the country to come together. It is the first time the conference has been staged in Canberra and with Federal Parliament sitting, this will provide an excellent opportunity for delegates to make contact with parliamentarians and government departments.
This is a conference offering something for everybody involved with public works including elected members who have the important role of stewardship of the community’s assets. Delegates will undoubtedly leave feeling informed, invigorated and inspired.
The benefits from attending this important event include networking with your peers, discussing the latest trends, building professional bridges to the future, getting the latest word on emerging issues, putting professional challenges in perspective, taking home the best of ideas and innovations, gaining continuing education specific to public works, learning about the latest technological advances, networking with international public works professionals, visiting the comprehensive exhibition of new products and service, and meeting consultants and private sector representatives from all areas of public work.
For further information please visit www.ipwea.org.au/canberra2011