Graffiti is now costing New South Wales communities and Local Governments $100 million each year, say organisers of this year’s Graffiti Action Day. This is money that comes directly from the pockets of ratepayers and property owners. It is money not being spent on better things.
Established in 1975, Keep Australia Beautiful NSW is a not for profit, environmental organisation that started Graffiti Action Day with the help of the NSW Government. It provides a way for local communities to take a very public and collective stand against illegal graffiti.
"It is well documented that an active approach to removing graffiti discourages further action by graffiti vandals, increases civic pride, can increase the value of an area and results in fewer local incidences of crime," said Peter McLean, CEO of Keep Australia Beautiful NSW.
New initiatives are being encouraged including planting trees, screening and designing the environment to prevent crime.
Several NSW councils are backing the technological solution offered by E-Nose Pty Ltd which sniffs the smell of spray paint and alerts authorities to graffiti vandal attacks while ‘in the act".
In the latest version of the E-Nose (Mk4) the device interacts with CCTV to help verify the attack and to strengthen the evidence leading to conviction for graffiti crimes.
For more information visit
*Copy supplied by E-Nose