Local Governments around Australia are taking action to cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce costs and improve the productivity and health of the community.
How? By greening the buildings in their own communities.
Many Local Governments are already recognising the benefits of building green and are using the Green Star environmental rating system to transform their new and existing buildings and demonstrate their commitment to a more sustainable future.
The City of Gosnells Civic Centre, for instance, has recently achieved a 5 Star Green Star – Office Design v2 rating, which represents ‘Australian Excellence’ in environmentally sustainable design. Mayor Olwen Searle said that the Green Star rating demonstrates more than environmental stewardship.
"The emphasis on healthy, productive workspaces will "allow staff to better serve the community and ensure a better work environment for the City’s employees," she said.
The Green Building Council Australia’s (GBCA) new Green Star – Public Building rating tool will further drive the uptake of high performance, sustainable buildings throughout local communities, with public buildings such as libraries, museums, art galleries and places of worship soon able to achieve Green Star ratings.
What’s more, the Green Star – Communities rating tool is set to support best practice in the planning, design and construction of communities, precincts and places across Australia.
The GBCA’s Local Government Task Group is encouraging the uptake of voluntary rating tools, offering practical advice and assistance and educating councils on best practice measures implemented by similar organisations around the world.
To find out how your Council can get involved in the green revolution, go to www.gbca.org.au
*Wayne Wescott is the Local Government Program Manager at the Green Building Council of Australia by Wayne Wescott*