Mayor’s Message

The Tweed Shire is an area blessed with great natural beauty, boasting a number of world heritage-listed areas and national parks, as well as a highly scenic coastline and delightful rural villages.

The Tweed is ideally placed between the burgeoning Gold Coast and the more relaxed lifestyle of the Northern Rivers region of northern NSW. It is a shire of great growth, with many people wanting to move here for the great lifestyle and economic opportunities. It has a well deserved reputation as a beautiful area which welcomes a diverse range of people and supports innovation and strong community values.

While the Tweed’s growing and ageing population brings its economic and social opportunities, it also presents challenges and pressures. Intelligent planning will enable the Tweed to care for our community and environment while encouraging growth in our economy.

We hope you will visit us soon – we’ll make you very welcome in the Tweed.

Councillor Kevin Skinner