Councils urged to tap into regional development funding

Southern Tasmanian councils will be able to identify risks, assess their vulnerability to the effects of climate change and plan accordingly, following the announcement of the Future Proofing Tasmania’s Councils project by the State Climate Change Minister Nick McKim.

"The Future Proofing project will bring together the latest climate change research and projections to be integrated into council policies and procedures," he said.

The Federal Government is providing $400,000 through the Local Government Reform Fund program to support the State Government, Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority (STCA) and the Local Government Association of Tasmania to develop and pilot the new regional and land use based approach to climate change adaptation.

The Lord Mayor of Hobart Rob Valentine said the main deliverables of the project will be development of a regional climate change adaptation strategy for Tasmania’s southern region, community focused land use adaptation plans for urban, peri urban, rural and natural areas, and individual corporate council adaptation plans.

"The regional, land use and individual approach will enable southern councils to work collaboratively and cooperatively on climate change adaptation," Alderman Valentine said. "Importantly, while providing a coordinated approach, it will allow councils to identify climate impacts and adaptation actions that are relevant to their communities and their social, economic and environmental circumstances."

Minister McKim commended the work done by Local Government and the STCA’s successful collaboration with the Australian and Tasmanian Governments on the new approach to climate change adaptation, through the Future Proofing project.