Healthy Communities Initiative Local Government Area grants – Call for applications

To promote healthy living at the community level, the Australian Government is providing up to $71.8 million over four years from 2009/10 through the Healthy Communities Initiative (HCI) under the COAG National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health.

This Initiative supports Local Governments across Australia to deliver effective community based physical activity and healthy eating programs and activities, increase the capacity of local communities to promote healthy living, and develop a range of policies to support healthy lifestyle behaviours.

The HCI aims to help reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity in participating communities with a particular focus on socio economically disadvantaged areas and adults predominantly not in the paid workforce.

The Initiative comprises four components: Local Government Area (LGA) Grants, National Program Grants, a Quality Framework and registration system linked to a web based Information Portal, and an evaluation.

Grants to Local Governments account for $61.5 million under the HCI and the program is being progressively implemented over three phases with up to 92 potential recipients. Funds can be used to deliver or purchase programs and activities; provide or subsidise training and education; and promote the healthy lifestyle agenda through community marketing, and policy and infrastructure development.

Forty-five Local Governments across Australia are currently funded under the HCI. The third funding round is open from 6 July 2011 to 19 August 2011 and provides an opportunity for up to 47 additional councils to join the Initiative.

Further information about the HCI is available at