The IPWEA International Public Works Conference, in Canberra on 21–25 August, is the largest civil engineering and public works conference held in Australia.
The conference also delivers the largest conference on infrastructure asset management with six concurrent streams (two dedicated to asset management) over three days, with over 130 papers, plus four plenary sessions with five expert keynote speakers.
It is the first time the conference has been staged in Canberra and with Federal Parliament sitting this will provide an excellent opportunity for delegates to make contact with parliamentarians and government departments.
Keynote Speakers
Dr Jacqueline Balston
Dr Balston, Applied Climatologist and advisor on climate change to the South Australian Local Government Association, introduces a four step process for preparing Local Government for the likely impacts of climate change.
Professor Graham Sansom
Professor Sansom, CEO Australian Centre for Excellence in Local Government, will bring an insightful perspective on the future of Local Government, and explain more about the new Centre of Excellence.
Cliff Atkinson
Cliff Atkinson is an acclaimed writer, popular keynote speaker, and an independent consultant to leading attorneys and Fortune 500 companies.
He designed the presentations that helped persuade a jury to award a $250 million verdict to the plaintiff in the first Vioxx trial in 2005, which Fortune magazine called "frighteningly powerful." Cliff’s bestselling book Beyond Bullet Points was named a Best Book of 2007 by the editors of
Ross Butler
Ross Butler, Deputy Chair of the NZ Government’s Geological and Nuclear Science Institute, will address the findings from Christchurch – what helped save lives and protect private and public works property, what lessons might be learned for the future, and what is non negotiable and must change.
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