Call for all levels of Government to work together to overcome congestion

A national poll has demanded more attention to issues such as congestion, to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) Deputy President Felicity-ann Lewis speaking at the Emerging Crises Summit – Cities, Population, Climate Change and Energy in Canberra said that the Federal Government needs to be more involved in local infrastructure planning to assist communities in managing population growth.

"There is no question that our cities are facing major issues with their transport systems as they deal with congestion, escalating prices for fuel and the pressure to reduce all forms of pollution, including greenhouse gas emissions," she said.

Results of a national poll of 1510 people suggests that communities want the Australian Government to proactively address these issues.

Felicity-ann Lewis reinforced that local roads, footpaths and cycle ways were the capillaries of the transport system that connected key State and Federally funded transport arteries, and that more than 80 per cent of the road network was owned, financed and maintained by Local Government.

"It is this local infrastructure that everyone first uses in their journey, no matter how long or short or by what mode of transport," Mayor Lewis said. "Local Government as the provider of the most extensive urban transport infrastructure understands that it needs to be properly integrated with any new urban transport developments to achieve full value from those investments.

"It is only when all three levels of government work together to plan and fund these developments as a whole that the full value of major urban transport initiatives is realised.

"Governments need to work with their communities to guide the evolution of our cities to meet the challenges of the future. These challenges include Australia’s high rate of obesity and the need to create environments that support physical activity and active transport. In doing so, expectations need to be realistic, recognise emerging new technologies and accept that change will be slow."

"Local Government welcomes the involvement of the Federal Government in the strategic oversight planning and funding of transport infrastructure in our cities. Local Government is ready to work with industry and other levels of government to address congestion and emerging transport issues in developing our cities for future generations."