Casey’s neighbourhood houses get university marketing boost

Casey City Council’s 12 Neighbourhood Houses and Community Learning Centres are benefitting from the fresh ideas and work of Monash University marketing students in a project that gives much needed recognition to these local organisations. As a part of their studies, students are required to write a marketing plan and implementation guide for actual organisations.

Casey City Council is one of Melbourne’s fastest growing councils with many young families. The aim of the project is to give students practical experience in preparing and presenting a Marketing Plan.

Casey’s Manager Community Strengthening Janette Green applauded the students’ efforts.

"This is a wonderful opportunity to raise the profile of our local Neighbourhood Houses and Community Learning Centres," she said. "It’s great to see local organisations getting the kind of marketing support that might not otherwise be affordable."

The project includes a thorough situation analysis, identification of the key issues, development of marketing objectives and providing detailed strategies and tactics.

Given the vital role that Casey’s Neighbourhood Houses and Community Learning Centres play in providing learning opportunities, social activities and a wide range of advice and support, the assistance of Monash Marketing students will be of benefit not only to the organisations, but to the community they serve.