DrillFest 2011 at Rockhampton*

The Australian Drilling Industry Association is pleased to announce that DrillFest 2011 will be held in Rockhampton on 28 and 29 September.

"Drillfest" – a concept started by the Queensland Department of Natural Resources some 15 years ago – is run every alternate year by the ADIA as a forum to keep drilling contractors and associated organisations up to date with the latest technology, products and services.

At the Rockhampton Show Grounds, suppliers can display their products and services inside the Robert Schwarten pavilion, with larger items outside under the roof. It is anticipated that some will also give demonstrations of their equipment.

DrillFest 2011 will be relevant to all drilling sectors, especially those involved with mineral exploration, water well, geotechnical and coal bed methane.

There will be two days of formal presentations covering both technical and business topics, with ample opportunity to view the exhibits and network.

The ADIA will also offer a new training course – "Grouting For Water Bores", a two day course which will include a typical grouting job. Participants will be required to calculate the volumes of grout and follow through fluid required; mix and test the grout to be used, and then pump it into place.

This commonly used procedure – known as ‘pressure cementing’ – is the preferred method of ensuring that poor quality aquifers are sealed off, so they don’t mix with good ones.

It also minimises the risk of harmful substances entering the bore down the annulus from the surface.

For further information on DrillFest 2011 contact Malcolm Minnis on (07) 3358 6832.

*Copy supplied by ADIA