The 67th Annual Conference and AGM for the Murray Darling Association will be held in Dalby, Queensland from 7 to 10 September. Included is the host Council civic reception, one and half days of conference, a short AGM, and post conference technical tour on the Saturday with partners tours on the Thursday and Friday.
At the conclusion of the conference at 2.00 pm on Friday, the host Council has organised a site visit to the farmed desalination plant and their bio-fuel facility followed by a happy hour to wind down from the intense discussions and debate.
Invited speakers include:
- Federal Minister for Environment and Resource Management Tony Burke MP
- Chairman, Murray Darling Basin Authority, Craig Knowles
- Commissioner of Water New South Wales, David Harriss
- CEO of Queensland Murray Darling Committee, Geoff Penton and CEO of Condamine Alliance Phil McCullough who will talk separately about the proposed Draft Basin Plan.
Times following natural disasters strengthen the resolve of the community and the nation. The conference will look at the effects of natural disasters on our great river system. Federal Senator Barnaby Joyce will address the reality of how Queensland’s river system affects the rest of the Murray Darling Basin.
Topics such as water law, water use and coal seam gas will be covered. The new coal seam gas industry is providing some added concerns for the region where there is a conflict between the benefit of this much needed energy resource and the need for a well preserved water resource
The conference plans to conclude with responses to Government on the following main points;
- the Draft Basin Plan and its intended consequences on Basin Communities economically, environmentally and socially
- the coal seam gas industry and its effect, if any, on the Great Artesian Basin
- can the rules for a Basin Plan be the same for the northern river system as is planned for the southern connected system?
Delegates are now registering from all States and 150 participants, plus speakers and partners are expected to attend.
For further information email or download registration form www.mda.asn