Leadership workshop for young people

A workshop designed to further develop young people’s skills in public speaking, communication, leadership, and teamwork has been a huge success in Greater Bendigo.Over 20 young people aged between 13 and 25 recently participated in a free "Change is up 2 you!" leadership workshop in July.

City of Greater Bendigo Youth Coordinator Kylie Emonson said the feedback from all of the participants was extremely positive.

"Young people who attended said the workshop was interactive, full of great activities, engaging and better then they had expected," she said. "They also said that they were keen to undertake further training in the future."

She said the training provided a great opportunity for young people to meet and talk to the staff of the City of Greater Bendigo’s Youth Development Team about how they can get involved in organising local FReeZA and other events, and also have a say on local issues.

Kylie Emonson said Greater Bendigo is currently launching a new Youth Advisory Group and many of the participants were interested in being part of the group.

"The great interest shown in this workshop combined with the positive feedback will ensure that the Youth Development Team delivers this training again in the future," she said.

A 25 year old participant Brylie Tomkin took part in the program to help her career.

"I think it is very important because we are the future generation so we need those skills to be able to build on the future for everyone," she said.

For further information contact the Youth Development Team on (03) 5434 6094 or email youth@bendigo.vic.gov.au.