Queensland communities boosted by disaster funding

Queensland communities devastated by cyclones and floods now have greater resources to assist in their recovery and reconstruction efforts, thanks to an initiative inspired by the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ). The Association has welcomed the Community Development and Engagement initiative (CDEI), for which further funding approval was jointly announced by the Premier Anna Bligh and Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

LGAQ president Paul Bell said the initiative would help communities identify projects that will make a meaningful difference.

"By enabling individuals and communities to prioritise what is important to them, CDE will enhance their capacity to lead and manage their own recovery and reconstruction effort," he said. "LGAQ, in consultation with our member councils, argued for the use of this community development approach to recovery.

"Local Government is best placed to know what’s right for their communities, and we are confident this initiative will go a long way toward building a better Queensland.It’s underpinned by strong community engagement and empowerment – it means communities can feel in charge of their own recovery and their future direction.

"I congratulate the Federal and State Governments for taking on board our recommendations, and philosophy, in formulating this package."

Queensland’s 17 Local Governments that were worst hit by flood and cyclone will share in a $9.9 million package of support to employ 22 community development officers. Each Community Development Officer will have $80,000 in brokerage funds to support the communities in which they are based.

The hardest hit council areas – the Lockyer Valley, Western Downs, Cassowary Coast, Hinchinbrook, Ipswich and Brisbane – will each receive two community development officers.

Banana, Barcaldine, Bundaberg, Central Highlands, North Burnett, Rockhampton, Tablelands, Toowoomba and Somerset will each receive one community development officer. Gympie and Moreton Councils will have part time officers, equating to one full time role.

LGAQ will administer the funds on behalf of the whole CDE package, and ensure the funds are used as intended.

Councils will also have access to flexible grant funding of around $9.4 million which will be distributed to all 73 Local Governments, to provide community development projects that aid in community recovery.

Funding for the CDE initiative will be available until June 2013.