Taylor’s Gully leads the way in child care

The Children’s Services Team at Northern Grampians Shire Council is leading the way as it embraces the new Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework well before it is formally introduced in 2012. Established by the Victorian Government, the new framework is for children up to eight years old.

For Taylor’s Gully Children’s Centre in Stawell, it’s a chance to bridge the gap between home and childcare to ensure children thrive in an early learning environment.

Team member Amy Clarke took it upon herself to spearhead the project, introducing a range of exciting initiatives into the under two year olds ‘Gumnut’ room.

"We wanted to get a head start on the new framework so the children, families and educators were all comfortable with the process before it becomes official next year," she said. "The response from educators and families has been very positive and motivating."

After much research, Amy Clarke introduced a range of initiatives to the Gumnut room including:

  • creating ‘home made’ books with photos of the children at play to help develop a love for books
  • making individual photo books used for one on one interactions
  • shaping daily activities in response to children’s curiosity and discoveries and adapting the play areas accordingly
  • creating photo posters for families that directly underpin the framework’s objectives
  • improving policies and procedures
  • forming an educators working group.

Amy Clarke said it is all about working with families to give the children a sense of belonging at the centre.

Lisa Dekker from the Victorian Early Years Coaching Program, run by Gowrie Consulting, was impressed with the changes during a recent mentoring visit.

"As I walked through the door I reflected on my previous visit and how inspired and enthusiastic the educators are in embracing the new frameworks," she said. "These amazing changes were all led by Amy who has had a wonderful influence on the service and has demonstrated that change can be worthwhile!"

Amy’s early learning model is now being implemented across the Centre at Taylor’s Gully and she is assisting other educators to implement the framework.

For more information email Amy Clarke at taylorsgully@ngshire.vic.gov.au.