Swan Hill Rural City Council’s new work experience program is already showing signs of being a great success with 29 students taking up the opportunity to experience the working week across various areas of Council.
Swan Hill Rural City Council recognises that staff are the heart of its success. The work experience program aims to continue to build a healthy heart with young people viewing Council as a great place to work.
A joint program with Murray Mallee Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLEN), the program commenced in June this year and will run until December.
Swan Hill Rural City Council Chief Executive Officer Dennis Hovenden said the take up for the inaugural work experience program was fantastic.
"To have 29 students sign up for the new work experience program is a great result and I think it is testament to the commitment from Council’s Human Resources department and the organisation overall to demonstrate to our younger community members the opportunities that Local Government can offer, particularly in regional areas," he said
Swan Hill Rural City Council carried out an extensive campaign to promote the new work experience program, including a public speaking tour of local schools throughout the municipality, development of brochures and information packs for schools and students, and strong internal promotion among Council managers and staff.
Aimed at students from Years 10 to 12, the program’s objectives is to assist students in meeting their education requirements as well as developing and enhancing their skills and knowledge, while experiencing the "real" world of work.
Students get to nominate their work area of preference including engineering, media and events, performing arts, economic development, IT and many more.
"As we know in Local Government there are a number of work areas and Swan Hill Rural City Council is no exception, with 26 different work areas the students can choose from," Dennis Hovenden said."The scholarship program enables the chosen students studying at tertiary level to undertake eight weeks’ paid work placement with our organisation and receive financial support each semester for the duration of their course.
"This program continues to be an outstanding success, and it is great to see our new work experience program following along the same lines."
For more information on this work experience program contact Council’s Human Resources department on (03) 5036 2333.