Technical skills training delivered to your desk*

Technical staff must keep up to date with advances in the design, construction and maintenance of road pavements and their asset management and environmental impacts. A unique and targeted educational offering is provided by the Centre for Pavement Engineering Education (CPEE).

CPEE is accepting applications for its pavement engineering postgraduate programs including the Graduate Certificate of Pavement Technology and Master of Technology in Pavements.

The courses, which are very practical, encourage direct application of the skills and knowledge acquired. The application of learnings to problems in the workplace is facilitated by the distance education format which does not require attendance at a university or attend face to face lectures.

The four unit Graduate Certificate in Pavement Technology and eight unit Master of Pavement Technology can be tailored to suit the needs of individuals wishing to update their knowledge or become more productive in the workplace. Technical staff can gain valuable qualifications in as little as 12 months and be able to apply what they learn directly to their day to day activities.

For more information email

*Copy supplied by CPEE