The Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Local Government released its discussion paper seeking public comment by 4 November 2011.
In 2010, the Federal Government made a commitment to hold a referendum on the recognition of Local Government in the Australian Constitution.
To succeed, a referendum must attract the support of a majority of votes nationally, and a majority of votes in a majority of states.
The expert panel, comprising 18 members and led by former NSW Supreme Court Justice James Spigelman, was established on 21 June 2011 to consider whether Local Government should be written into the Constitution, which came into effect on 1 January 1901.
James Spigelman said Local Governments along with political parties and leaders had asked for Local Government recognition in ‘our founding political and legal document’.
"Whether and if so how, this should be done is what the Panel has been asked to consider", he said.
The Panel is seeking input from Premiers, Opposition leaders, Local Government representatives, local residents and constitutional experts, before reporting to Government on its findings in December 2011.
The Panel specifically wants to form a view on:
• the level of support for constitutional recognition of local government, and
• the various forms that such recognition could take, together with the advantages and disadvantages of different options.
To make a submission visit