Roseville chase oval goes green

A state of the art stormwater harvesting system and solar panels are the central features of a $700,000 environmentally sustainable upgrade of Roseville Chase Oval.

Ku-ring-gai Mayor Ian Cross said the innovative project is reusing stormwater for irrigation and toilet flushing, while the solar panels are offsetting electricity used to pump water within the recycling system.

"This is real cutting edge technology that is greatly improving the facility’s sustainability by reducing water and power usage," he said.

"In addition to the sustainability improvements, the sports field has undergone a major renovation including a regraded oval, new drainage system, rebuilt cricket pitch and new fencing.

"The work has greatly improved the oval – a major local facility that hosts sports including rugby union and cricket."

Ku-ring-gai is located in Sydney’s northern suburbs and has a population of 114,000.

Mayor Ian Cross said the stormwater harvesting component of the upgrade is a partnership with the adjacent Roseville Golf Course.

"Water is captured from a local stormwater drain, the golf course and oval drainage systems and stored in a large dam on the golf course.

"In addition to Roseville Golf Club using the water for irrigating the course, water is now also pumped to a new 120 kilolitre tank located next to Roseville Chase Oval and linked to a fully automatic irrigation system for the oval.

"Council was a partner to the golf club project by funding the installation of a gross pollutant trap that forms part of the harvesting system.

"The NSW Government’s Climate Change Fund, Public Facilities Program contributed $112,900 to the extension of the stormwater harvesting scheme to also include irrigation of Roseville Chase Oval.

"The project includes solar panels that offset the electricity usage of the pumps, making the ongoing operation of the system carbon neutral.

"The system will be reusing in excess of 18,000 kilolitres of water in the first 10 years.

"Recycled stormwater is also being supplied for toilet flushing at the oval’s amenities block."

Councillor Cross said the project further develops its water recycling initiative which is making local sports fields far more self sufficient in terms of water use.

"The projects are greatly reducing our reliance on potable water. This is water which would otherwise be lost down drains."

For further information contact Project Manager David Morris on (02) 9424 0157.