Community and wildlife to benefit from Tickhole Creek improvements

A $90,000 works program has begun to improve the condition of Tickhole Creek at Cardiff in Lake Macquarie.

With $45,000 of funding assistance from the NSW Government’s estuary management program, works will take place to stabilise the eroding creek bed and banks.

Lake Macquarie Manager Sustainability Alice Howe said native plants and animals in the area will also benefit.

"By stabilising the eroding creek banks, creek bed and reestablishing native vegetation, Council is working to not only improve water quality downstream, but also improve the look and habitat values of the creek corridor." she said.

"The works will involve removing several willow trees and replacing them with large rocks to stabilise the eroding bed and banks of the creek."

The willows, which are considered weeds, have caused the creek to widen in areas by directing flows to the outer banks causing erosion and instability. Planting of native vegetation will also assist to stabilise the creek, and weed control will improve habitat for local wildlife."

Cardiff Junior Soccer Football Club, the main users of Evans Park, are happy for the works to go ahead, as the planting on the creek banks will help stop soccer balls from going into the creek.