The public sector has no choice but to stretch resources as far as possible. With revenues shrinking and infrastructure aging, councils need to get maximum value from existing assets. And even while budgets are getting tighter, demands for high quality service and accountability increase every day. Councils need to ensure assets are available, safe, reliable, and are performing to design standards. By understanding their assets, they will be able to manage them more effectively and economically.
To improve performance and reduce costs, councils can use asset management systems to:
- track and report costs accurately against assets and activities
- plan, schedule, and execute effective maintenance programs
- create detailed asset inventories and council-specific asset inspections
- record and track requests for service
- leverage Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to create a more accurate inventory of infrastructure assets
- provide compliance support for current and future asset related regulations.
A government-specific asset management system makes it easy to manage every asset type. Agencies from the smallest council to the largest state and federal department can better manage the broadest possible range of assets, including:
- water—mains, valves, meters, hydrants, service lines, water nodes, wells
- sewer—mains, manholes, service lines, nodes, lift stations
- storm—channels, inlets, mains, manholes, culverts, storage basins
- streets and roadways—segments, signals, signs, lights, trees, landscape, intersections, bridges
- parks—buildings, equipment, trees, landscaping, playground equipment, sports complexes
- plant—facilities, equipment, vehicles.
- railway—equipment, tracks, signals, signs, yards.
Infor’s Public Sector Enterprise Asset Management is a robust solution from a global software provider with decades of experience in delivering government specific solutions. Phone: 1800 1 INFOR.
*Copy supplied by Infor