ABS Statistical Capability Training – empowering better use of statistics within Government*

ABS Statistical Capability Training – empowering better use of statistics within Government*

Looking to improve your data analysis skills? Eagerly awaiting the Census 2011 data release or perhaps undertaking a survey of your own? The ABS has training options to help you make better use of data.

A notable trend within Government sectors has been enhancing employee Statistical Literacy (knowing how to use statistical information well), something that is particularly relevant as we move towards evidence-based policy development and decision making. It is also important for monitoring and evaluating government policy.

The ABS, through their National Statistical Training Institute, can assist through offering courses on topics such as:

  • accessing and understanding existing statistics
  • survey and questionnaire design
  • statistical analysis
  • statistical writing.

We’ve developed each course module to improve your statistical understanding and skills through discussions and practical exercises. All sessions are run by experienced facilitators with a focus on engaging the learner to optimise training value and learning transition back into workplace.

National Statistical Training Institute courses have consistently received excellent feedback, two of the most popular courses are:

  • Turning Data Into Information: You’ll learn to transform data into meaningful written information, particularly about social policy
  • Principles of Questionnaire Design: Learning centred on selecting collection methodologies, developing survey questions, designing questionnaire layout and testing the questionnaire.

The ABS runs courses in capital cities, as well as some major regional centres.

To find out what courses are available near you and to discuss your learning needs:

  • visit the ABS website (www.abs.gov.au) and select ‘Understanding Statistics’ -> ‘ABS Training Courses’
  • contact the ABS National Statistical Training Institute by phone (03) 9615 7928 or email training@abs.gov.au.

*Copy supplied by ABS