Study law with the experts at ANU*
The ANU College of Law has been offering professional development courses to the public and private sectors for over 15 years.
Two broad types of courses are offered. Firstly, courses for students who are interested in a general area of study, including environmental law, government and commercial law, international law, law governance and development and migration law.
Academic staff have particular expertise in these legal areas, with teaching and research supported by specialist centres at the ANU College of Law.
Secondly, courses can be tailored to address current workplace issues and the development needs of students. These courses are not offered through standard programs of study, and therefore offer students a professional development advantage.
Students at the ANU College of Law enjoy a high level of academic instruction in areas of the law directly relevant to the workplace. They also gain experience from other experts who regularly visit the ANU College of Law to deliver presentations and guest lectures.
Human Resource Managers are encouraged to contact the ANU College of Law to discuss the professional development and training needs of their staff.
Canberra students have the added convenience of studying at home, without additional travel and accommodation costs. A number of courses are also offered online to suit local and national students.
Courses are approved for professional accreditation and some courses may be converted towards an ANU academic award, for example the ANU LLM.
For more information contact the Business Development Manager on (02) 6125 5462, email or visit
*Copy supplied by the ANU College of Law.